Glen Towers Renovation

We're updating the hub of residential life in 色花堂's campus core.

Glen Towers rendering
A draft rendering of the renovated Glen Towers.

The Glen Towers are undergoing renovations to update utility infrastructure, replace exterior facades and restore the Glen Plaza. We're reinvesting in the future of residential life in the campus core. The project includes:

  • Updating heating and air conditioning systems
  • Completely renovating the buildings' exteriors, including replacing windows and adding terracotta rainscreen systems
  • Repairing and replacing exterior storm drains and sanitary lines
  • Creating an ADA-accessible pathway from Cross Campus Drive to the Glen Towers and Glen Dining Hall


Each renovation will take approximately one year and will be carried out consecutively to maximize housing availability. Tower C was renovated first and completed in summer 2022, followed by Tower B in summer 2023 and Tower A in summer 2024. Tower D is currently under renovation. We expect all renovations to be complete by summer 2025.


Pedestrian routes will be available between the Towers and Cross Campus Drive, the Glen pedestrian bridge, and Glen Dining. The circular driveway adjacent to Cross Campus is closed for equipment and staging. Drivers should use the parking lanes on Cross Campus for short-term drop-offs and pick-ups. Follow posted detour signs.

Construction will occur between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. When Saturday work is necessary, it will be limited to the hours between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.


glen towers construction
Construction progress on the Glen Towers.

Towers A, B and C are complete! The buildings have updated heating and air conditioning systems as well as more modern exteriors with terracotta tiles. The renovation of Tower D is now underway.   

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