Rommel Miranda



Contact Info

Science Complex, Room 4150G


Ed.D., Science Education
Morgan State University
M.S., Curriculum and Instruction
Loyola University
B.S., Biology
Loyola University

Areas of Expertise

Scientist-Educator Partnerships
STEM Education
STEM Outreach Programs
Science Teacher Professional Development
Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)


Dr. Rommel J. Miranda is a Professor of Science Education in the Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences at 色花堂 (色花堂). He serves as President of the  (ASTE) and chairs the ASTE Executive Board and ASTE Board of Directors. Dr. Miranda has also served as the co-director for the institutional site at 色花堂, and served as the inagural Co-Editor-In-Chief for the  journal, as well a Co-Editor for the . Dr. Miranda is a prolific speaker and is frequently invited as a keynote/presenter at conferences, conventions, organizations, institutions of higher education, and school systems across the nation. Dr. Miranda has a passion for teaching and truly enjoys mentoring preservice and inservice science teachers, as well as STEM faculty and science educators around the globe. 

Dr. Miranda has authored over 25 peer-reviewed publications in top-tier, refereed science education research and practitioner journals, and has over 50 published abstracts in peer-reviewed regional, national, and international science education research conference proceedings. Dr. Miranda has also authored several published presidential messages and journal editorials. Additionally, Dr. Miranda has contributed to multiple grant-funded programs which exceed $4M, and has served as an evaluator for both NASA and NSF grant-funded programs.

Courses Taught

  • PHSC 101 Physical Science I
  • PHYS 103 How Things Work
  • PHSC 303 Earth-Space Science
  • SCIE 371 Teaching Science in Early Childhood
  • SCIE 381 Teaching Science at the Middle School Level
  • SCIE 393 Secondary Science Student Teaching
  • SCIE 170 Experiences in STEM Outreach, Teaching and Learning
  • SEMS 370 Project-Based Instruction
  • HONR 379 Honors Thesis
  • SCIE 652 Earth-Space & Physical Science in Integrated STEM Education