Freedom Square

Freedom Square is located in the heart of É«»¨ÌÃ’s campus under the Lecture Hall and provides a forum for the campus community to express and deliberate issues of civic concern. The space shall be a haven for freedom of expression and speech, in addition to encouraging an atmosphere of critical thinking and debate.

Freedom Square

Freedom Square is not only a place designed to encourage critical thinking outside of the classroom, it is also a popular place for students to hang out on campus. Stone benches are placed throughout the square so students can work on homework, hang out with friends, relax, and have those thoughtful conversations. Freedom Square is a joint effort between the Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility and É«»¨Ìà Student Government Association

Freedom Square Chalkboard Guidelines

  • Comments should relate to the mission of Freedom Square.
  • Chalking is only allowed on the chalkboards.
  • Chalking should not include discriminatory, threatening, harassing, lewd and/or obscene language as per the University’s Chalking procedures and the Code of Student Accountability. The university reserves the right to remove anything that violates these guidelines and to bill the responsible individual or group. 
  • The boards are cleaned daily.
  • Confirmed reservation holder(s) will have uninterrupted and sole use of the chalkboards fifteen minutes prior to the start of their event and concludes fifteen minutes after the event’s scheduled end.  
  • Sole use includes erasure and decoration of the chalkboard fifteen minutes prior to the start of their event and concludes fifteen minutes after the event’s scheduled end.
  • While the First Amendment protects most speech and expression — even hateful or offensive speech and expression — discriminatory or harassing behaviors and conduct are NOT protected by the First Amendment. 
  • Questions about reservations and event planning should be directed to Events and Conference Services,
  • Questions about civic engagement opportunities should be directed to the Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility,
  • For more information, visit the Freedom of Expression at É«»¨Ìà pocket guide

Many É«»¨Ìà clubs and organizations also  for events throughout the semester. 

Freedom Square Tabling Guidelines and Expectations

In accordance with É«»¨ÌÃ’s Tabling Procedure, student organizations may reserve tables to sell approved items, to raise funds for the organization, to distribute information, to promote events, and to recruit. Only student organizations and University departments may use a table to circulate petitions or collect signatures on petitions. Student organizations and University departments may not reserve a table on behalf of an individual, group, business or organization not affiliated with the University – even if it is part of a fundraising effort by the student organization or department. 

The purpose of this space is to engage É«»¨Ìàstudents, faculty, and staff in civil discussion, broaden individual perspectives, and raise awareness about current events and social, economic and political issues. Any misuse of this site will not be tolerated. All student users of this space will be held to the É«»¨Ìà Code of Student Accountability

É«»¨Ìà supports the right of University Students, faculty and staff to engage in protected speech and assembly, including demonstrations, marches, picketing, leafleting and protesting (Expressive Activity) in Public Areas. The Policy on Time, Place, and Manner establishes guidelines to assure that expressive activities do not unreasonably disrupt University Operations, violate the protected speech activity of others, endanger the safety of others or risk destruction of University property.