Faculty Resources

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The College of Fine Arts and Communication’s (COFAC) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee supports initiatives and events that promote diversity among COFAC faculty, staff and students. The committee works to address the following:

  • overcome barriers in order to promote understanding and acceptance
  • provide space for open dialogue
  • foster connections between the college and local community
  • offer funding to COFAC faculty, staff, and departments to create and lead significant DEI activities

Information about the COFAC DEI Committee and the online form for requesting DEI funds from the college can be found on COFAC Diversity and Inclusion.

Support for Research in the College of Fine Arts and Communication

Because of the diverse research and academic profiles of college faculty and staff, COFAC has a broad and resonant reach across disciplines and professional fields.

É«»¨Ìà offers many internal grant opportunities that support faculty research across the campus. View information below on when and how to apply. Look for campus-wide faculty professional development opportunities at FACET and undergraduate student research funding at URCI.

The College of Fine Arts and Communication offers numerous avenues for competitive grants. Both competitive grant programs are adjudicated by faculty committees. 

  1. COFAC Diversity and Inclusion Awards offers funding for smaller projects (usually under $1,000). Applications are accepted twice per semester and are adjudicated by the COFAC DEI Committee. Find more information on COFAC Diversity and Inclusion.
  2. The COFAC Dean’s Research Awards are offered once per year and are targeted for larger projects $2,000–$4,000 per year. These awards are adjudicated by the COFAC Research Steering Committee.

Information about the COFAC Dean’s Research Awards Program, including important dates/deadlines, funding information, and proposal requirements, can be found on the college’s .

Special Funding Requests

The COFAC Dean’s Office provides departmental support to its faculty and staff members for special projects to supplement the academic experience and promote community engagement, interaction with guest speakers/artists, diversity and inclusion, interdisciplinary collaboration, and activities which align with COFAC's strategic plan.

To request Special Project Funding please .

If you as a COFAC faculty/staff member are seeking support from the COFAC Dean’s Office for a special department project, you must submit this form for the Dean’s review and consideration (funding is limited and provided at the Dean’s discretion).

COFAC Travel Guidelines

Faculty, Staff and Lecturers are eligible to apply for travel funding at the college level from the COFAC Dean’s Office to reimburse travel expenses for research and creative activity purposes. Decisions for awarding college funds are made by the Dean’s Office and priority will be given to the following types of travel related activities:

  • presenter of peer-reviewed or invited paper/workshop/performance/video/poster session/other
  • chair, respondent or participation as a panelist in a conference session
  • officer in a professional organization which requires attendance

Funding is limited but may also be provided to faculty, staff and lecturers for professional development purposes depending on the availability of funding at the time of request.

Additional travel funding may be available at the Department level. However, this may not be possible for all departments. Please check with your department chair to determine funding availability.

Travel requests can be submitted to your Department Chair and Department Budget Administrator through the .

For more details on the COFAC travel award process please login to the .