Directions & Parking
Directions and parking information for the Center for the Arts and other buildings on campus.
Location: , Room 3095
Phone: 410-704-2839
Fax: 410-704-2841
Department of Music
8000 York Road
Towson, MD 21252-0001
Melissa McCabe
Chair & Professor
Department of Music
Center for the Arts, Room 3095-A
Phone: 410-704-2143
E-mail: mmccabe AT_TOWSON
Mary Ann Criss
Center for the Arts, Room 3095-B
Phone: 410-704-2836
Fax: 410-704-2841
E-mail: mcriss AT_TOWSON
Karen Gempp
Center for the Arts, Room 3095-G
Phone: 410-704-2840
E-mail: kgempp AT_TOWSON
John Spivey
Center for the Arts, Room 3104
Phone: 410-704-4633
E-mail: jspivey AT_TOWSON