Accounts Payable reimburses students for miscellaneous expenses not related to travel. Employee travel and non-travel expenses must be processed through Stratus Financials.
Miscellaneous Reimbursements - Students, Companies, and Non-Employees
Miscellaneous Expense Voucher
Please use the Miscellaneous Expense Voucher to process a reimbursement request for expenses such as supplies, camp refunds, parking refunds, key deposits, etc. The expense voucher is used to process payments through Accounts Payable when an invoice is not available and the Visa procurement card is not an option.
For instructions on how to fill out the Miscellaneous Expense Voucher please select the appropriate link below:
Miscellaneous Expense Voucher - Company Instructions (PDF)
Miscellaneous Expense Voucher - Non-Employee Instructions (PDF)
Miscellaneous Expense Voucher - Student Instructions (PDF)
Miscellaneous Reimbursements – Employees
Employee refund/reimbursement requests should be entered as an expense in Stratus Financials. They are processed through an Expense Report in Stratus and sent to the General Accounting Division (GAD) in Annapolis for reimbursement to employees. Effective since April 12, 2004, all employees that receive payroll funds by direct deposit will also receive their expense reimbursements by direct deposit. No notification of reimbursement will be sent from GAD. Checks will only be issued from the Treasurer's Office for employees who are not signed up for direct deposit through Payroll.
Non-Reimbursable Expenses for Consultants/Contractors
For any agreements initiated since October 2004, É«»¨Ìà will NOT separately reimburse consultants and contractors for their expenses. For example, departments may not purchase airfare on behalf of a consultant or contractor. Miscellaneous expense vouchers will no longer be acceptable. All expenses must be included in the per diem rate or the total contract amount. Payment for services rendered will only be released upon submission of a proper invoice by the consultant or contractor outlining services provided and fees charged. All invoices must be submitted directly to Accounts Payable at StratusAPinvoices AT_TOWSON
This change is necessary to ensure that the university complies with IRS regulations. The IRS classifies various types of payments as compensation. Consulting fees, travel expenses, royalties, honoraria, guest speaker fees, stipends, etc., are all considered compensation by the IRS. If the payment is pursuant to a service and/or if it is expected, it is taxable and must be treated as compensation.
Please direct questions to the Financial Services help line at x4-5599, option 1.