Copyright Infringement Procedure

色花堂 provides access to various computer systems. Proper use of these systems includes respecting intellectual property.

I received a notice of infringement - why?

If you have received notification of copyright infringement, that means the Office of Technology Services (OTS) has identified one of your devices as the source of a copyright infringement.

Now what?

For further clarification on the claimed infringement, visit 色花堂's Notification of Claimed Infringement of Copyright page.

What are the consequences?

First Offense:

  • Staff/Faculty/Student will be required to remove all infringing material and disable any sharing mechanism.

Second Offense:

  • Staff/Faculty/Student will be required to remove all infringing material, disable any sharing mechanism, and will be referred to appropriate department for disciplinary action.
  • Staff/Faculty/Student may lose access to the University network until the problem is resolved
  • Students will be referred to Office of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices for adjudication or other actions.

Third Offense:

  • Staff/Faculty/Student will be required to remove all infringing material and disable any sharing mechanism(s).
  • Staff/Faculty/Student will lose access to the university-wide network, including Internet access, until the student conduct process is complete.
  • Student will be referred to for adjudication or other action(s).
  • Possible sanctions include, but are not limited to: removal from University housing, permanent loss of access to university-wide network, suspension from the University, expulsion from the University.