Interagency Transfers
There are two processes for interagency transfers used to record financial activity between state agencies depending on whether the agency is paying an interagency invoice or billing another agency.
Each agency may only process transactions that increase cash of another agency. This means the agency being charged must process the transfer document. The billing agency must provide all necessary accounting information to the agency being charged so they can enter that information as part of a cash transfer. A brief translation of the information you may be asked to provide includes as an example:
- R24 (agency code for 色花堂)
- 03740 (PCA - program and fund where cash transfer should go)
- 450 (transaction code required for processing transfer)
Paying an Interagency Invoice
When an invoice is received from another state agency, (for example: another university, Department of Public Safety, Department of Environment, etc.), do the following:
- Complete the account coding with your cost center or grant number and a six-digit expenditure account
- Fill in the approved amount of payment
- Submit the coded invoice to University Accounting (see contact information below) and the interagency transfer will be processed through Accounts Payable through workflow appropriate signatures will be required prior to processing through the state's R*STARS system.
Billing Another Agency
Billing another state agency for goods or services rendered requires the assistance of the Student & University Billing Office. All state or third party invoices are processed through an the Stratus invoicing system.
Invoices are processed in PeopleSoft Student Financials, summarized, and then interfaced to the Stratus general ledger. The amount is credited at that time to the requesting department as revenue with the description of SF INT mm/dd/yy (Student Financials interface). The Student & University Billing Office takes the responsibility for tracking the invoice and making sure it is paid.
For preparation of invoices, please refer to the Student & University Billing Office website. Go to the faculty and staff resources section.
Questions on interagency transfers should be directed to Comptroller Duka Donaghy in University Accounting at 410-704-5563 or ddonaghy AT_TOWSON.