Student Appeals Committee


The Student Appeals Committee shall be composed of six elected faculty members; one undergraduate student appointed by the SGA for a one year term; one graduate student appointed by the GSA for a one year term; the Director of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices, ex officio; one representative appointed by the Provost; and one representative appointed by the Vice President of Student Affairs. All members of the committee shall be voting members.

Voting Members

Name Department COllege Term Expiration
Robert Blake Jr. Elementary Education COE 2025
Karla Kubitz, Chair Kinesiology CHP 2025
Geoffrey Munro Psychology CLA 2027
Miriam Sealock Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice CLA 2026
Mitch Voisei Mathematics FCSM 2025
Bethany Willis Hepp Family Science CLA 2027
  SGA   2025
  GSA   2025
Gail Gibbs International Student & Scholar Office  
TBD Student Affairs    

 Ex-Officio & voting

Name DEpartment
Danielle Woody Director, Office of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices


The Student Appeals Committee meets every Friday from 2:30-4pm.


According to the Academic Senate Constitution, the responsibilities of the Student Appeals Committee include:

  1. To consider grievances using procedures consistent with the 色花堂 Code of Student Accountability.
  2. To render a decision on the basis of evidence presented.
  3. To report the decision to the President of the University and to all parties to the grievance with notification of right of appeal (when appropriate).
  4. To determine to which University officer or committee an alleged grievance should be referred for action. (Motion 98/99.21)
  5. To provide an annual report to the Academic Senate.