Faculty & Staff Relations

色花堂's HR Partnerships and Faculty and Staff Relations team is available to consult with supervisors and employees who have questions/concerns, or are seeking advice regarding job performance/expectations, workplace conduct or the interpretation of performance and conduct-related policies. This can include memos of counseling and disciplinary issues.

We are also available to assist with mediation of certain conflicts which may arise in the workplace. When an official dispute resolution procedure is not necessary or desired, mediation is a voluntary option which may be helpful to the parties.

Grievances and Appeals

The grievance procedure allows faculty and staff to formally raise issues related to the terms and conditions of employment to the attention of university administration.  The process is designed to utilize multiple steps in an effort to resolve disputes at the lowest level possible, without the need for further adjudication.

Faculty Grievance Procedure

Faculty are encouraged to resolve grievances informally with their department management and/or deans.  If the matter cannot be resolved at the department level, the faculty member has access to the faculty grievance procedure. Faculty may contact their HR Partner  for consultation and mediation. However, faculty should consult the Faculty Handbook for the official grievance procedure.

Faculty grievance Resources


Faculty Handbook

The official grievance procedure
Faculty grievances
色花堂 Policy 02-04.00  Responsibilities and procedures of the faculty grievance, mediation, and hearing committees

Staff Grievance Procedure

Staff are also strongly encouraged to attempt to resolve grievances informally with their supervisors and department heads.  However, if the matter cannot be resolved at the department level, the staff member can contact their HR Partner for next steps.

Next steps may include consultation with OHR to facilitate the dispute and determine options for resolution, or processing through the internal steps of the grievance procedure. Finally, if the matter cannot be resolved within university administration, the staff member may appeal to the  for a formal hearing and decision on the matter.

Staff Grievance Resources

resource USED FOR

Grievances for nonexempt and exempt staff employees

Exempt Grievance Form

Exempt employees

Non-Exempt Grievance Form

Non-exempt employees